Monday, 3 January 2011

Things to do in January

Ok. So normally when I want to change things, I go all gung-ho, and within a week things are no different, except I feel worse for failing. Friends have recommended I change one thing at a time, but this wouldn't be enough for me. Hubster reckons I should just bite the bullet and change everything, but I know this is a route to disaster when I can't keep it up. So I'm choosing a middle way, and going for 4 - 5 things to change, and get established by the end of this month.

1. Stick to my budget.

This will be hard, as I usually just pay what needs paying that week, and fight off the debt collectors with attitude. But actually, I can manage to pay everyone I need to, and keep the wolves from the door, if only I manage my money right. It means this month will be particularly hard, but there's no gifts to buy etc, so I'm gonna go for it.

2. Organise my paperwork.

In particular, paperwork that involves bill and appointments. I'm going to pay my bills on time according my budget. I'm going to schedule appointments in my iphone as soon as they arrive, so the phone will remind me and I won't forget!

3. Get into a routine.

There's so many of us here, in a tiny space, that we really need a routine. I also want to put some structure into the kids education. I often make schedule with strict time limits on when we should do this, that and the other, but they invariably fall apart. So for January, I'm going to follow the timetable I have made, but instead of doing things at a certain time, I'm just going to follow it in order, and note how long these these things take, so I can revise it into a more realistic schedule. I'm also going to prioritise the things I feel need organising first. Lessons, meals, bedtime routines, housework. In that order. So by the last week in January, I should have a working idea of how long it takes to get everything done.

4. Look after myself.

I'm very bad at taking care of myself. I need to make time at least twice a week for myself. This will probably take the form of locking the bathroom door and taking a long bath instead of a quick wash, but it will be an hour to myself.

So, that doesn't really tackle things from my main list, but getting the basics sorted will help me move on to the big list, and I think that's enough to be getting on with, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I think 2 isn't as hard as it sounds. Once you've FOUND all the bits of paper, it's a 20 minute job to get them organised into one place. That makes it an easy win, which I like. 4 is potentially an easy win, too, as long as you remember to do it. 1 and 3 will take more work, but it makes for a pretty balanced list, I think. Attainable. I'm very optimistic for you! :-)
